About Manisha Chopra

Meet Manisha Chopra,

a skilful nutritionist, equisite dietitian and a certified fitness coach.

Being born in a typical upper-middle class Punjabi family, Manisha imbibed the values of onward learning and the pursuit of excellence in whatever she did very quickly. She found her purpose and kick started her journey towards a fitness freak after her second delivery.

Manisha strongly believes in motivating and pushing people towards meeting their fitness goals because in the end, ‘A man is truly what he consumes’, isn’t it?

For Manisha, working out or staying fit isn’t a matter of moving one’s body for a couple of hours, but it’s more like a lifestyle. It’s where you get to make the choices and stay disciplined for a better emotional, physical and mental well being.

Manisha has always had a strong academic background and a go-getter attitude that fuelled her passion to truly make a difference. Having graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in BA Hons and studying the ‘Science Of Exercise’ from the University of Colorado, her interests and zeal to pursue what she loved was prevalent since the beginning.

Also, adding the feather of Internationally accredited Diploma certificate in Nutrition, 7 Chakras – The ultimate guide to one’s energy body, Manisha has always set off her own path very distinguishably. She even chased after a Nutrition and Dietetics course from VLCC Institute and also got certified to teach Fitness Cardio Kickboxing by the Knockout Fight Club. Her quest for pushing boundaries was further enhanced by this background and she very vividly utilised her knowledge and real life experiences to enable clients to lead a healthy and smart life.

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